Ebony Mine

  • Dungeon
  • 720 x 720
  • No
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • 0

Global Itemdrops

Artifact fragment (Disabled)


Name Level
Croythe 140
Russia Elk 300


Not Repeatable Quests

Name Level
Lend Aid! 130 - 999

Repeatable Quests

Name Level
Bandit Raider Kings! 130 - 143
Statue Born 125 - 138
Beating a Goblin Commander 122 - 135

Monster Itemdrops

Dictator Sword
Giant Axe
Crimson Sword
Crimson Sword Dual Sword
Pheonix Bow
Wisdom Scepter
Eilure Wand
Hydrus Staff
Dimension Blade
Medusa Crossbow
Level 31 Pants Production Manual
Level 33 Shield Production Manual
Level 32 Boots Production Manual
Level 32 Helm Production Manual
Level 30 Gauntlet Production Manual
Level 31 Shirt Production Manual
Moon Stone
Hetimon Leggings
Rojen Leggings
Jerris Skirt
Yelion Pants
Meiden Skirt
Conrahd Pants
Rojend Shield
Damarus Pants
Hetimon Helm
Rojen Helm
Jerris Circlet
Yelion Hood
Meiden Circlet
Conrahd Circlet
Yelion Boots
Meiden Boots
Conrahd Boots
Hetimon Boots
Rojen Boots
Jerris Boots
Tuphara Hood
Silversmith Boots
Dismantler Sword
Dismantler Axe
Ellier Sword
Ellier Dual Sword
Dekatis Wand
Deka Staff
Temu Bow
Briel Bow
Briely Wand
Harabikle Scythe
Haramin Fallarm
Spirit of Dark Forest
Wild Butterfly Wing
Hetimon Leggings
Rojen Leggings
Jerris Skirt
Yelion Pants
Meiden Skirt
Conrahd Pants
Rojend Shield
Tainted Damarus Pants
Hetimon Boots
Rojen Boots
Jerris Boots
Yelion Boots
Meiden Boots
Conrahd Boots
Tainted Silversmith Boots
Hetimon Helm
Rojen Helm
Jerris Circlet
Yelion Hood
Meiden Circlet
Conrahd Circlet
Tainted Tuphara Hood
Dismantler Sword
Dismantler Axe
Ellier Sword
Ellier Dual Sword
Dekatis Wand
Deka Staff
Temu Bow
Briel Bow
Briely Wand
Harabikle Scythe
Haramin Fallarm
Spirit of Sneaked Dark Forest
Tainted Wild Butterfly Wing
Croythe Crem Breker
Croythe Crem Axe
Crem Helmet of Croythe
Crem Armor of Croythe
Crem Pants of Croythe
Crem Gloves of Croythe
Crem Boots of Croythe
Spirit of Dark Misty Forest
Chakra Shirt
Damazhgus Pants
Tus Gloves
Masterpiece Goldsmith Boots
Jeson Hood
Devilish Butterfly Wing
Special Orb (Disabled)