Parts 4 and 5

Listen to the next part of Calisian's diary.

Here is the next translation:

"Our plan succeeded with
surprising ease. Our mistake
was complacency. We thought
we'd vanquished Tairen
forever, that the horror was
over. It was our hubris, our
mistake, our failure.Fear and despair sank deep
talons into the minds of my
men. One by one, my acolytes
fell under the influence of
the spirits. The ones who were
resistant killed themselves,
lest they become possessed.
The others became lost,
wandering at the beck and call
of half-heard whispers.
Perhaps it was an ill wind.
Perhaps we missed some of
Tairen's spirits... Whatever
the cause, by the time I
noticed something amiss, it
was too late."

Despite the mightiest of
efforts, Calisian's plan
failed. We must learn from his
failures, so that we do not
repeat his mistakes. I fear to
read the next part. I'm sure
it only gets worse...

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