Magical Vanity

Bring Arch Rich's Magic Staff to Weapon Trader Reman.

You'd never believe this, but
a very high-ranking magician
came to me with a problem.
Apparently his spells are
losing their zing, their zip.
He's losing his magic, and he
doesn't want anyone to know.

He wants a Magic Staff, a
really powerful one. His idea
is to surround himself with
all the trappings of magedom
in the hopes of hiding his
shortcomings, I guess... The
only staff I can think of that
fits the bill is Arch Rich's
Magic Staff, probably on the
9th floor of Lust Trum. It's
going to be dangerous, but so
is vanity. And at least you're
getting better.

Quest Conditions

Kind What
Drop from Monster Arch Lich's Magic Stick x1
From: ( Arch Lich) Rate: 850%


Name Amount
Experience 875,977,410
Skill Points 5